
IRI allies with GuestMetrics for on-premise data

Chicago, Calif.—Market research firm IRI announced its exclusive partnership with GuestMetrics, which tracks sales data from on-premise point-of-sale systems. The deal, which includes an equity acquisition by IRI, will provide IRI data on wine purchases at restaurants and bars as well insights on food and other beverage purchases.

According to a statement by IRI, the company will integrate on-premise data into its existing off-premise purchase information for food and beverage products. “Our alliance and investment in GuestMetrics furthers the IRI strategy of helping manufacturers and retailers gain new levels of knowledge about how people research, shop and consume food and beverage products everywhere — from bars to restaurants, to homes,” said Piyush Ghaudhari, president of the Americas, IRI.

The GuestMetrics alliance and investment follows other IRI initiatives to integrate a wider range of shopper data. In February, IRI announced it is collaborating with Technomic to produce Restaurant to Retail (R2R) Insights, a new joint service that integrates shopper habits at retail with spending patterns at major chain restaurants.

Wines & Vines shares IRI insights about off-premise sales in its monthly Wine Industry Metrics coverage online and in the print magazine.

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